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Day 27

Some good running, some people from home, an awesome physio and the sun all in all not a bad day!! It has been suggested by a few that I am the answer to the drought, as where ever I run, it rains!! Not today though. Through gritted teeth, plenty of pain killers and company from home the miles sailed by. My ankle/shin was once again in constant pain but I got to see Neil Foster (physio and ex England Cricketer) tonight which was ace. Like many of you have said, if it was easy everyone would do it, so I wont grumble. I have run in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex today. Suffolk should probably be called the Pig farming Capital of the UK. They smell, alot. I have also decided that my new Mastermind specialist subject could be most common roadkill in UK counties or “A” Roads of the UK. I am now in Manningtree whose claim to fame is being the smallest town in England. Whether or not that is the case it seems pretty nice. Better than Great Yarmouth anyway!!Tomorrow I am heading out past Colchester and down towards Margate. Tomorrow will be harder than normal as I am having to navigate around London. Should be fun. Thank you to everyone for the messages of support, the shares and likes. Keep them all coming. I will try and do a video tomorrow to keep you entertained. London Baby!

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